
Aoudad, Barbary Sheep

Aoudad, Barbary Sheep

Africa’s Barbary Sheep Endangered     This is the plight of the aoudad – Ammotragus lervia Ok, let’s get this straight from the start, they are not North American sheep. Well, they are now, but they come from Africa. And this is where I am off-topic, because we write about sub-Saharan Africa and these are […]

Mount Mabu Lost Forest

Mount Mabu Lost Forest

Mozambique: The Lost World Within     What’s another rain forest between friends? Hidden forever – until now that is. A rain forest in Southern Africa and tropical as well. I was most amazed to discover sub-tropical Africa had a real tropical rain forest in our region. And I mean a real rain forest – […]

Tales of a Lonely Zebra

Tales of a Lonely Zebra

Zachary Is His Name     And this is his ballad   Zachary was a zebra, the cleanest in his herd For a stallion in the bushveld, this really was absurd His ablutions in the morning would take an hour or three But Zachary was a dandy, as I’m sure you’ll all agree   He […]

African Queen Tree

African Queen Tree

All Queens Should Be Fruitful, Right?     Smaller than a gnat Alright, correction, nothing can be smaller or bigger than a Scottish midge – gnat! Small enough to get through any mosquito net, large enough to get you off the top of a spruce tree – ask any Scotsman. However, it’s definitely smaller than […]

Biltong Trek Food

Biltong Trek Food

The Ultimate Wild Food     It’s a given. Easy to carry and packed with power. Trek food; biltong, nuts and raisins. You can’t forget raisins for love nor money, you may starve elsewise. I must apologize to all our vegetarian readers in advance, because this is not for you, sorry! Remember, sacred cows make […]

Nature's Essential Oils

Nature’s Essential Oils

Antibiotic, Anti-fungal and Antiviral     Natural cure oils do it all We are not dealing with all the essential oils naturally, but this is an article which explains why they are essential in the first place. Essential oils are today’s only answer. We have to go back to faith and herbs for a better […]

Wall Climbing Snakes

Wall Climbing Snakes

Snakes! Wall and All     All snakes do it Except for large snakes like pythons and anacondas, snakes will climb any surface they can get half a grip on. Like the smallest ledge, outward jutting cement, nails, mesh or cord and they love climbing up cords, like a private jungle-gym – try telephone cables. […]

African Wolf Cry

African Wolf Cry

African Wolf Crying Out For Help     Africa’s cousins of the timber wolf. Bringing you up to date with our Sub-Saharan world, we have the Ethiopian Wolf – Canis simensis – the world’s rarest canid and Africa’s most endangered carnivore, living in the Ethiopian Highlands. This animal needs help! More must be done and […]

Our Rare King Cheetah

Our Rare King Cheetah

King Cheetahs, a New Species or What?     King Cheetah – Acinonyx jubatus Have you ever seen a king cheetah? One of the most rare and elusive animals to exist on the planet today! A king cheetah is an exceptionally unusual big cat, identified by its creamy colored base fur and three broad, black […]

Buffalo Power: Hit and Run

Buffalo Power: Hit and Run

Buffalo Hit-And-Run     A buffer against the buffalo. It was a capture like most any other, although this time over five hundred buffalo was the order to be filled. Work, work, work and yes, more work. Happy is the occasion when all goes smoothly and according to plan but I must tell you, when […]

Magnesium Deficiency

Magnesium Deficiency

Are you magnesium deficient?     How will you know? Of the world’s population, around 70% have a magnesium shortage. Are you one of them? If you are, it’s no wonder, seeing our plants no longer contain the magnesium levels they used to. When I read about magnesium shortages worldwide, I thought about our readers […]

Legends For Africa

Legends For Africa

African Mysteries     It’s a quandary Africa is possibly the last enigma. But is it the exotic wildlife, formidable mountains, endless savannahs, or the hostile, beautiful deserts? Could it be the passion and warmth of the people, from Ras ben Sakka in Tunisia to Cape Agulhas in South Africa, expressing the determination of the […]