Wildmoz Internet Glossary A-Z
Your Handy Glossary O:
Online, the state in which a computer is online refers to whether one computer is connected to another computer by a line of communication, or server via a modem or network, which means they are online. Connected to a server on the Internet is also being online. See Server in this glossary.
Online community:
Online community is commonly meant an Internet community on the Web. The Internet is a place of interaction between Web surfers, using the Internet for communicating with each other. Normally groups of surfers sharing common interests and needs, with subjects related to a specific niche. Interaction is done either through membership or openly, usually using a moderator to officiate.
Online learning:
Online learning has developed into a vast industry, now even involving universities that approve degrees online.
Open source software:
Open source software can be obtained all over the net. Although it is not open source unless the program comes with a full licence, source code access, is fully editable, can be modified, has all its original instruction as well as comes with a redistribution licence. This software must comply fully to all the Open Source Initiatives requirements of which there are ten. (See opensource.org) The Ubuntu operating system is open source software used by 20 million people every day.
Optimizing an image:
Optimizing an image is essentially reducing the file size of a graphic or picture, so it loads on a Web page as quickly as possible. A program commonly used is Adobe Photoshop, with a built in facility offering the user to save the image for the Web and then optimizes it automatically with some user input. See Web page in this glossary.
OOP is an object-oriented programming language that has vast programming paradigms not centered on actions and logic. Instead it is primarily an object orientated language, which is an intensive programming language.