Wild Africa
Wild Africa
Wild Africa – Stories Told on Wildmoz
This is wild Africa! Stories are always told and retold down the years. Why, you may ask? Surely once a story is told, it needn’t be repeated over and again? Well no, I suppose not. If you received all of the nuances the first time, it’s like listening to music. You somehow like to hear the same tune many times, if the tune suits you… and so it is with a good bush story. Every teller puts another slant on the same story.
We at Wildmoz tell these and other tales of wild Africa as time passes and this is where they will appear. I do believe they will be as much of a hit with you the reader, as they have been with so many bush people in the past, told around a braai or evening after meal times, or sitting around the bush fire…or just imagine you’re there.
See the drop-down on the “Wild Africa” tab above for our many tales of Africa.